
I am ready to leave. To leave this small town behind me, to finally feel the rush of a big city. The only thing I am not ready for is to leave my little sister behind. We are like peanutbutter and jelly, like milk and cookies. For as long as I can remember we have […]

-our spot-

Once every year, on her birthday, I come to this spot to remember. Remember the good times I had with her. Watching this water that took her life is, is calming in some way. Like when she finally drowned she was finally at peace with the world. The last time I ever spoke to her, […]

-bob and the boohag-

This story starts in a small town. There was a man named Bob, he lived on a farm. Bob was twenty-five and though it should be time to find a nice wife and settle down on his farm. One day after he finished his work he had to go to the grocery store and get […]