-stepping stones-

Some are larger,

while others are smaller.

Some are shiny and new

while others are broken and dusty.

You have no idea what they have witnessed

so be careful while walking through.

If you listen closely you will be able to hear the legends of the stones.

A new stepping stone gets placed down,

a new journey is headed that way.

Jumping from stone to stone you come at a crossroad,

just before a forest.

What will happen if you go left?


Who knows.

“That is part of the journey,”

says, the stone with the word hope written across in red paint.

You choose left.

What would happen if you go right?

As you are making your way down the path you almost fall of the broken one.

“Oops sorry about that,” the broken stone says with a washed away phrase on it.

You shrug because you are okay and jump to the next stone ahead.

The weather starts to tragically change.


It starts pouring, you are now shivering and feeling like giving up on the journey,

“You must keep going,” the stone below you said.

This one has friendship across it written in yellow paint.

You keep trucking along but now you are at a much slower pace.

As you near the end of the forest the storm clears.

The sun is shining and you look to the right,

a double rainbow appears.

You keep going, longing to finish the journey.

After a hundred stones you come upon another crossroad.

You pull a coin out of your pocket and flip to see which way you will travel next.

“HEADS!!” the stone on the left screams out.

This stone had strength written in a baby blue across it.

The coin is flipping in the air for what feels like centuries.

It finally lands on…


“Yay!!” The stone on the right yells.

This stone had faith written in a forest green color across it.

As you are running through the stones you see a blue jay in the trees,

you stop for a minute to admire this beautiful creature.

“If you slow down you would not have to have to stop so often.”

Peace is written on this stone in a stark white,

it looks brand new.

You continue on your journey,

taking it one stone at a time.

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2 thoughts on “-stepping stones-

  1. Dear Camdyn,
    Okay, so I wanted to comment on someones work who I don’t know of and whose writing I’ve never read. I came across your blog and can I just say how amazing this is! I love the way you’ve worded this and made it completely unique in the way its structured and the meaning it has behind it. I’m not sure if this was intentional or not, but I can see some personal connection in this piece because you used stepping stones with the words written as a “guide” through life. This may not have been intentional, but its what I got from it, and its beautiful.
    There is not much I would say to change because this piece seems perfect in my opinion, but if your like me, every time you re read something you wrote, you find something to change or make better.
    All in all, this was such a great piece, and I look forward to reading more of your work in the future,

    1. Sarah,

      Thank you so much for reading my blog. I’m glad you like my blog so much! The personal connection was completely intentional, I actually was going to post this as my about me but, I thought I would do something more personal for that. I will re-read this and see if there are any issues with it. Thank you for the tip and taking some time to read my blog!

      Much love, Cammie <3

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