-death of a decade-

Dear 2010-2019,

Thank you for everything you helped me through. These years were vital for me to grow up. Just when this decade started I was only seven years-old. I was in grade 2 at the time, now I am a sixteen year-old in grade 11 still trying to figureout my life. In these short ten years I went through a lot. I changed from little girl to a young woman. I stopped watching disney channel and started watching ‘more grown up’ shows.

While I was younger I wished away my youth, I wanted to be a teenager. That is only because I had such unrealistic visions. I had though for sure I would have a boyfriend, a car, a bunch of friends, I would be super popular. Those all never happened, I am still very single, I do not even have my lisense yet, I have friends but only close ones that matter, and I am not super popular either. I now realize I hadn’t wished away these years. I wish I cherished these years longer, not waiting and hoping to grow up. It isn’t as much fun as the movies we watched portrayed them. We now have the most unrealistic beauty standards to live up to. As a kid you could wear a princess dress or mixing patterens in your outfits and no one would ay anything. But now you have to be cautious as to what you wear. If you wear clothes that are conserative you are a loser but if you wear something a little revealing you are labeled as a slut. If you don’t follow the trends you are uncool but if you follow the trends to a T you are a try hard. Really there is no winning in this society.

I want to thank you for giving me the childhood I never new I needed. The disney channel original t.v shows that this next decade of kids won’t get a chance to discover. The toys we played with such as – Bratz dolls, Barbie dolls, Polly Pocket, Holly Hobby, Strawberry Shortcake, Zuzu Pets, Ferbies, Easy Bake Ovens, Baby Alive dolls and so many more. We also grew up as technology was evolving. By the time we were done playing with dolls and stuffed animals there was DS’s and iPods waiting ofr us to pick up.

I am also mad at you. You introduced me to this creature knows as anxiety. It has just recently taken over me. I had known it before it came and possesed me. I now can not go one day without overthinking. Rather than me controlling my body and mind, it is that creature. I am constantly overthinking and panicing. I try so hard to just forget about this creature but it blinds me and silences me so I am helpless. Although I am extremly angry with you for this I am half okay with it because I didn’t get taken by their bestfriend depression. And I am thankful for that.

Thank you for everything you have done for me,

Camdyn 🙂

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8 thoughts on “-death of a decade-

  1. Dear Camdyn;

    I really connected with this piece in almost every way. Your opinions on society and youth mirror some of my own, and I found myself thinking back to when I was younger — something I too often neglect doing. When you talk about anxiety, I understand completely, as I struggle with the same thing; many people do, I have realized, even if you can’t tell. More often than not, I hear most of the people I know actually facing exactly the same thing that I am, regardless of how different or social or popular I perceive them to be.

    In regards to criticism, I would just tell you to watch your punctuation and spelling, though I could tell that wasn’t the focus in this piece — your emotion was, and I appreciate that. Overall, this made me really reflect on my own life experience, and I thank you for giving me an opportunity to do that.


    1. Tony,
      Thank you for reading my blog!
      I really wanted this piece to be a piece anyone could relate to, and I am glad that came through. I did not really focus on the punctuation and spelling errors for this piece, I will go back and fix any I can find. Thank you for noticing!
      Much love, Cammie <3

  2. Dear Camdyn,
    Very cute letter it really brings out the child-like ideals in people and it is something adorable to read. I couldn’t find anything for errors besides that, it was something cute and relatable to read.


  3. Dearest Camdyn,
    My love, you have captured ten years in three paragraphs with the nostalgia of three books. You are a talented writer. You also managed to get me to miss my childhood. This was a very important piece for you and you were able to translate that delicate nature to your writing. I would suggesting watching out for GUMPS and spelling errors. Otherwise, this worked out very well.
    With love,
    Tolu x

    1. Tolu,

      Thank you for reading my piece. I am so glad the nostalgia shone through. I will work through my gumps and spelling errors. Thank you so much!

      Much love, Cammie <3

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